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Celebrity Resolutions

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Still mulling over those resolutions for 2020? Here's some of our favorite VIP inspiration—resolutions excerpts from five inspiring women, past and present.

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Top 5

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"Resolution: I will not take nothing for granted ever again. Nothing is far better than a lot of this stuff." —Mia Farrow, 2014

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"I resolve to eat more waffles, even though this resolution is in direct conflict with my most important resolution of the New Year, which is to lose two pounds. Waffles are amazing. When I'm dying, I don't want to regret not having eaten more of them. Incidentally, one of my most successful New Year's resolutions, which I made in 1990, was to eat more cheese. I recommend it highly as a resolution and as a way of life, although, come to think of it, it's one of the reasons why I now have to lose two pounds." —Nora Ephron, 2006

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"Keep looking around me—only much more so—observing—but not only myself but others and everything—take things (it) for what they (it’s) are worth…. If possible—take at least one class at university—in literature…. Take care of my instrument—personally & bodily (exercise)…. Try to enjoy myself when I can—I’ll be miserable enough as it is." —Marilyn Monroe, 1955 [Ed. Note: Monroe's resolutions for the year, as recorded in her address book, is worth reading full—check it out here.]

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"Kindness, kindness, kindness. I want to make a New Year’s prayer, not a resolution. I’m praying for courage." —Susan Sontag, 1972

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"For years I would do these kind of resolutions like, ‘God, let me know love.’ I remember writing that in 2004. And then what you get hit with is everything that isn’t love to see if love will show up. So I just said, ‘I ain’t asking God for nothing else.’ Don’t ask for courage cause you’ll get a whole lot of things that will cause you to have to have courage! So I don’t make [resolutions] anymore.” —Oprah, 2017

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