A Ballet Inspired Workout
April 18, 2016

Ballet Twist
Targets: Abs, Obliques, Waist and Core
From a seated position on the floor, extend your legs out long. Pull your stomach towards your spine and extend your upper body behind you. Lift your arms to a ballet first position and twist your upper body to the right, scooping your lower abs in. Keep pulling your abs in as you rotate from right to left. Repeat 4 sets of 10 reps.

Arabesque Lift
with Swan Arms
Targets: Full Body, Arms, Back, Butt and Legs
Begin by standing with your right leg in front of your left. Slightly bend the right knee, keeping your knee over your toes, extending your left leg long behind you (ballet lunge). Now straighten your right knee, standing straight and lift your left leg off the floor. As you lift your leg off the floor engage your stomach and lift your arms up above your head in a V-position. Lower your left leg down to the floor and bend your right knee to return to a ballet lunge, lowering your arms down by your side at the same time. Repeat this sequence for 2 sets of 8 reps.

Classic Inner Thigh Lift
Targets: Inner Thighs and Legs
Lie on your mat on your side. Bend your left knee and place your foot either in front or behind your right leg. Your right leg should be stretching out long. Pull your stomach in to engage your center and stretch long through your right knee. Raise and lower your right leg, never fully releasing it to the mat. Complete 4 sets of 8 reps and repeat on other side.

Classic Ballet Beautiful Bridge
Targets: Hamstrings, Butt, Hips and Core
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor (or bring on to demi-pointe for a more advanced version). Press your shoulders and upper back into the floor and pull in tight through your stomach. Keep your feet together and knees closed to engage your inner thighs. Lift your hips high towards the ceiling while keeping your stomach tight to take stress out of your lower back, and engage your butt. Lower your back without letting your hips and butt touch the mat. Repeat 4 sets of 8 reps.
Our favorite styles for showing off all your hard work.
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