Deià, Mallorca
Describe the city in three words:
Charming, Soulful, Elegant
Easiest Way to Get Around:
Walk and bike.
Best View of the City:
Sa Vinya Restaurant (Carrer Viña Vijea) and the Robert Graves Museum (Carretera Dieà a Sóller).

La Residencia, Carrer dels Son Canals, s/n.
Best Place to Grab a Morning Coffee: The Village Café, Calle Felipe Bauza
Best Spot to Grab a Cocktail: Sa Fonda, Carrera Arxiduc Luis Salvador, 5.
Three Restaurants to Visit: El Olivo (Carrer dels Son Canals, s/n), Sebastian's (Carrer de Felip Bauzà, 2) and Ca's Patro March in Cala Deia (Carrer Sa Cala, 16).

Best Place to Shop: A day trip to Soller Market.
Family Activity:Spending a day at Cala Deia. Lunch and swimming.
Tourist Spot You Love: Sa Foradada is a MUST, MUST see/experience. Take a boat to get to (or hike if that’s your thing), and eat paella all day on the cliffs. (Carretera Valldemosa Dieà Km 6)
Travel Essentials: Sunglasses, sarong, straw hat, a good book and sunscreen.
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