Dynamic Duo: HEYMAMA
May 18, 2018

Meet Amri Kibbler and Katya Libin, the founders HEYMAMA. After meeting through their daughters, the duo became fast friends and found themselves wanting something more than their corporate jobs could offer. “We were looking for mamas who were doing everything they did before kids,” says Amri. “Women who were passionate about community, their careers, travel, food, fashion, and just life in general.” They set out to start their own community to bring these women together. HEYMAMA is part cool club, part think tank and serves as a source of community, inspiration, career intel and support for mamas in business. Today, the HEYMAMA membership circle includes more than 800 CEOs, founders, creatives, artists and other leaders in everything from wellness to tech. We met up with them at their Brooklyn office at The New Work Project to talk all things motherhood and style.
What are your roles at HEYMAMA?
Amri: Co-Founder & Creative Director
Katya: Co-Founder & CEO
What do you love most about your jobs?
Amri: It’s an amazing thing seeing the women in HEYMAMA growing their relationships and really supporting each other. They not only see each other at our events but collaborate on projects, hire each other and support each other’s businesses. I love feeling like we are making a difference and that women feel they can be more successful and achieve their dreams.
Katya: The people are everything. We’ve made some incredible friends who support us every step of the way. We lean on them and them on us, and that’s beautiful in and of itself to know you are not at it alone. For me, I also love building our team and seeing the women we work with be a part of this mission.
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Running a business together is like…
Amri: A marriage.
Katya: Ha. Amri nailed it.
Best advice you’ve ever received about running a business?
Amri: Make sure you discuss financials clearly with your partner and have an agreement.
Katya: Stay focused on one vision instead of hopping around to many.
Best advice you’ve ever received about motherhood?
Amri: It goes by so fast, so try to enjoy or at least appreciate every part. Soon you’ll be wishing for those late-night feedings and bonding with your baby. I try to laugh at the absurdity of the things that happen and imagine I was watching this happen to someone else in the tough parts. (Then it’s funny, like when my two-year-old throws herself on the floor screaming for candy every time we go in a store.)
Katya: They teach you more than you teach them. Let them.
Your motherhood life hack?
Amri: Putting my husband’s zip up hoodie over my clothes while getting the kids ready for school so I don’t get yogurt on my shirt. I carry around stickers, gummy bears and pens all the time, oh and that blue tape that rips easily. Keep birthday presents and wrapping paper on hand.
Katya: I put face masks on while I give her a bath. WIN-WIN mamas.
How would you describe your personal style?
Amri: Minimal with a love of unexpected details.
Katya: Feminine with sporty and vintage flares.
If you weren’t working on HEYMAMA together, what would you be doing?
Amri: Creating a retreat destination in Australia, to host communities like HEYMAMA.
Katya:Finding the intersection of spirituality and business for entrepreneurs building brands.

Who would play the two of you in a movie?
Amri: Parker Posey
Katya: Anne Hathaway looks wise, Emily Blunt is my spirit animal though.
One thing Amri taught me about style:
It’s all about proportions! And she has this way of taking a uniform and making it so chic without even trying.
One thing Katya taught me about style:
She does this amazing eyeliner that she actually hasn’t showed me how to do yet…
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