What inspired you to start styling and working as a duo?
We had a great run at Rachel Zoe, Inc. and have much gratitude for that experience, but we wanted to move on and we wanted to do it together. We realized we were stronger together then apart and had a similar career vision.
Running a business together is like…
Jill: A marriage. You have to work at it and communicate and support each other through high highs and low lows…all of it.
Jordan: A marriage. It’s important to understand each other’s strengths and weaknesses to make the partnership work.

Best advice you’ve ever received about running a business?
Jill: Take care of your team and delegate – your work and personal lives will be infinitely better.
Jordan: Listen to people who know more than you. Your ego is not your amigo…
Your favorite red-carpet moment?
Jill: Giselle at the 2005 Oscars.
Jordan: Cate Blanchett at the Oscars in 2016, a dress only she could pull off.

How would you describe your personal style?
Jill: Classic and “fuss-less.”
Jordan: Comfortable. I’m a t-shirt and jeans kind of girl.
What do you love most about your jobs?
Jill: Every day is different.
Jordan: Traveling, although at times I have a love/hate relationship with it…

One thing Jill taught me about style:
Jill taught me to embrace preppy style, something that I hadn’t really done before we met. You can take the girl out of Connecticut, but you can’t take Connecticut out of the girl…Isn’t that how the saying goes? 😉
One thing Jordan taught me about style:
I was oblivious to the miracles made with shape wear before moving to LA, in NYC I mainly worked in print/editorial with models. Jordan is an expert in all things Spanx, where I admit complete and total failure in understanding. There is an actual art to picking the right shape garment which can completely transform a look from wow to WOW.
If you weren’t working as stylists and consultants, what would you be doing?
Jill: Likelyillustration. I studied fashion design and illustration and had I notfallen into styling, I would have continued in art I imagine.
Jordan: Florist, nothing brings me greater pleasure and calms my mind more.
Three things always in your styling kit:
Nipple covers, moleskin, and a cell phone charger!
Who would play the two of you in a movie?
Ellen & Portia. But not sure who would play who 😉

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