Emma Freud & Red Nose Day
Help end child poverty, one nose at a timeQ&A
What is Red Nose Day? And the mission behind it?
Red Nose Day started in the U.K. It was co-founded by my boyfriend, Richard Curtis, back in 1988. I started working there 30 years ago stuffing envelopes, and now I’m Executive Producer—so I clearly slept my way to the top.
Red Nose Day is a fundraising campaign that uses the power of entertainment to end child poverty. It started when Richard went to Ethiopia with Oxfam during the terrible famine of 1985—around the same time that Bob Geldof produced Live Aid—and it changed him forever. He was working as a comedy writer for the BBC at the time, and when he got back from the refugee camps, he tried to rally his friends in the British comedy community to raise funds for the projects he’d seen. There was a big question mark at that time about how appropriate it was for him to use comedy to raise money for such a very serious problem—but that isn’t how he saw it. He felt that if the comedians he worked with could use their profiles and their powers to raise money while entertaining audiences, it could only be a good thing. He was galvanized by the fact that he'd seen children on the point of starvation still laughing when something funny happened, even in the horrors of the camps. Comedy and tragedy can exist together and it became the first time that the BBC had embraced using humor as a means to support people in crisis. Red Nose Day quickly became part of the British calendar and it’s now become a national day of celebration in the U.K., raising shedloads of cash that has the power to transform the lives of millions of vulnerable people.

Five years ago Richard brought Red Nose Day to the States. His ambition was to create a day of fundraising activities, brilliant TV comedy, and inspiring short films explaining to a mass audience the difficult areas we are helping to fund. We wanted the money to support children living in poverty—50% to be spent all over America, and 50% to be spent internationally. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation had granted us a start-up fund and he was determined to make it work. But… how on earth do you launch a national campaign in a country you’ve never even lived in? Luckily he had a secret weapon…
We have the most amazing and inspiring partnership with Walgreens, which is the exclusive retailer of our Red Noses. They have an amazing CEO who agreed to make 5 million Red Noses in our first year in America—and they sold out in just over a week. They’ve now made and sold over 40 million Red Noses in the last four campaigns and, with the support of their incredible team and customers, have raised more than $71 million for Red Nose Day. It’s crazy. We never dreamed we would have a partner on their scale, with their commitment and support. They are literally our heroes.
When the first Red Nose Day happened in the U.K., I was working as the host of a BBC radio show and I interviewed Richard, who was producing the first seven-hour telethon. The interview was five minutes long, and conducted down the phone rather than face to face, but something HUGE clicked in my head. I started working at the charity after that—doing menial jobs or whatever was needed. By then, I was hosting a TV show three times a week, and my best friend said she could always tell if I was working on TV, or working in Richard’s office at Red Nose Day, because I always wore more make-up for Red Nose Day. Two years later we started going out and now we’ve made four children and 16 movies together.
I’m so immensely proud of the way we spend our money—we support remarkable projects, with transparent accounting and a real emphasis on long-term change. From food banks in California to street kids in Uganda, from mobile health clinics in rural Tennessee to clean water solutions for families in Ethiopia—we’re trying to keep children safe, healthy, and educated, distributing the money through organizations like Save the Children, The Global Fund, and Feeding America—always aiming to provide on-the-ground support to children who need it the most. Every dollar we raise, and every Red Nose we sell, has the potential to help a children going through the roughest of times.
The stats in the U.S. are terrifying. More than 2 million children in America are homeless every year and 1 in 6 children don't know where his or her next meal will come from. More than a billion children around the world are without basic needs, like shelter, clean water, enough to eat or basic medical attention. Our funds have helped around 65,000 homeless teenagers so far, and provided over 36 million meals to hungry children across America. In total, the money we’ve raised has supported over 16 million children across America and in some of the poorest communities in the world.
2019 is TOTALLY going to be our best year yet. We have a three-hour show on NBC on Thursday, May 23, where we will be exploiting our film history yet again... We’ve made a little sequel to the first movie Richard and I ever worked on together: Four Weddings And A Funeral. The entire cast reassembled for a two-day shoot in London, as well as the original director and producer—and the result is beautiful. You see how everyone has aged (Andie MacDowell, barely at all; Hugh Grant, sooooo much) but the jokes are just as sharp, and the ending just as romantic. I’m really proud of it. We also have a celebrity-packed special edition of Hollywood Game Night hosted by Jane Lynch, and many other incredible surprises you’ll have to tune in to see. (P.S. It comes on at 8pm ET/7pm CT.)
We lived in NYC in 2016 to help Red Nose Day take off—and seeing our son’s school team being sponsored to play a soccer tournament in fancy dress, with painted red noses, was one of those moments when my life felt very joined up.
Our greatest TV moment was probably the Game of Thrones sketch that Chris Martin and Coldplay made for us. It was a brilliant unexpected mash-up that you could never have seen anywhere else. If you missed it, it’s here.