Entertaining Tips
Veronica Swanson Beard on Table Setting & Floral Arrangements
1. Tables should be like outfits—different table settings for different types of dinners, casual vs. formal… And like an outfit, you have to have your main players and then the accents and accessories—lots of candlelight, twinkling glassware, flatware.
2. I love mixing vessels and glasses, both vintage and new—I collect them. Mix different materials so there's a selection. It really sets the tone for the table you're doing.
3. Don't be afraid to use color and mix prints—it's really about balance.
4. Don't save your silver for another day. I inherited mine and love using it all the time.
5. I always set the table the night before or the morning of the party so it's done way in advance. Same with flowers—I arrange them early so they have time to open.
6. For maximum impact when it comes to floral arrangements, I like grouping flowers of the same variety together. If you're using different flowers, then group them by a similar color palette, like magentas and reds.
7. My insider secret? New York delis have some of the best flowers you can get.