Gabrielle Bernstein, Author, Motivational Speaker & Podcast Host
Before there was a self-help section, there was Gabby Bernstein. Well, the self-help section as we know it today—less SAT-prep and more personal growth.
“I know the true freedom and relief that’s available when you commit to personal growth,” she tells us. Bernstein, if you don’t already know, has been teaching legions of people to self-actualize before it was a term in the cultural zeitgeist. She's been a prominent figure in the personal development world for almost 20 years now—having started her own journey to healing and happiness after becoming sober in 2005. Nine NYT-best-selling books, including Spirit Junkie, May Cause Miracles, and her latest, Happy Days, and a podcast later, Bernstein is on a mission to spread the message: trust the universe. “The Universe is always responding to your thoughts, energy, and emotions,” she says. “Therefore, what you put out you will receive back.”
Here, we chat with the personal growth guru on why hustle culture isn’t the way to success, 3 steps to reset one's body, mind, and mood, and the one book that changed her life.
What are the driving passions that set you on your path?
I have devoted my life to my own personal growth and I know the true freedom and relief that’s available when you commit to that. I’m deeply passionate about helping people feel that same freedom and inner peace. I do this through my books, talks, podcast, and even in a brief encounter with someone on the street.
I have devoted my life to my own personal growth and I know the true freedom and relief that’s available when you commit to that. I’m deeply passionate about helping people feel that same freedom and inner peace. I do this through my books, talks, podcast, and even in a brief encounter with someone on the street.
What does #MAKEITHAPPEN mean to you?
#MAKEITHAPPEN means something far different to me today than it did twenty years ago when I first started my career. Decades ago, it meant that I had to push and strive to “make it happen.” Today, my focus is on my internal condition so that I can do less and attract more. I make things happen by showing up for what inspires me and allowing it to unfold naturally.
#MAKEITHAPPEN means something far different to me today than it did twenty years ago when I first started my career. Decades ago, it meant that I had to push and strive to “make it happen.” Today, my focus is on my internal condition so that I can do less and attract more. I make things happen by showing up for what inspires me and allowing it to unfold naturally.
And who or what inspires you to make it happen?
My readers and listeners inspire me the most. Whenever I write a book or record a podcast, I set the intention to serve them in profound ways. They give me the inspiration to wake up each day and make it all happen.
My readers and listeners inspire me the most. Whenever I write a book or record a podcast, I set the intention to serve them in profound ways. They give me the inspiration to wake up each day and make it all happen.
Top essential work/life hacks to make it happen?
I meditate twice a day with TM meditation. I exercise in some way every day. I now have “Gabby Days” on Thursdays and Fridays, where I don’t have any scheduled meetings or obligations. I do this so that I can be creative or do something fun. I also love to take saunas and get a lymphatic drainage massage.
I meditate twice a day with TM meditation. I exercise in some way every day. I now have “Gabby Days” on Thursdays and Fridays, where I don’t have any scheduled meetings or obligations. I do this so that I can be creative or do something fun. I also love to take saunas and get a lymphatic drainage massage.
And the wardrobe MVPs that help you make it happen?
Anyone who’s seen me speak publicly knows that I only wear a few brands. Veronica Beard is at the top of the list! I wore the hottest red Veronica Beard blazer when I spoke at Oprah’s Super Soul Sessions.
Anyone who’s seen me speak publicly knows that I only wear a few brands. Veronica Beard is at the top of the list! I wore the hottest red Veronica Beard blazer when I spoke at Oprah’s Super Soul Sessions.
The happiness health tips every woman needs to know?
The first step to happiness is to be willing to change.
The first step to happiness is to be willing to change.
Share one example of how you made it happen through adversity…
In 2005, I was struggling with drug addiction. My desire to live is what helped me get myself clean and sober at the age of twenty-five. My sobriety was the catalyst for my career and personal successes. I owe my life to my sobriety.
In 2005, I was struggling with drug addiction. My desire to live is what helped me get myself clean and sober at the age of twenty-five. My sobriety was the catalyst for my career and personal successes. I owe my life to my sobriety.
3 ways to reset the body, mind, and mood and heal…
1. A heart hold. Place your right hand on your belly and your left hand on your heart. Breathe in deeply and exhale completely. Notice peace and relief set in. I use this when I’m meditating or before I go to sleep at night.
2. Practice mindful breathing. Start by breathing in through your nose for two counts and out through your mouth for one count. Do this for one minute or even 30 seconds and you’ll feel great relief.
3. Say nice things to yourself—you’re the only one listening!
1. A heart hold. Place your right hand on your belly and your left hand on your heart. Breathe in deeply and exhale completely. Notice peace and relief set in. I use this when I’m meditating or before I go to sleep at night.
2. Practice mindful breathing. Start by breathing in through your nose for two counts and out through your mouth for one count. Do this for one minute or even 30 seconds and you’ll feel great relief.
3. Say nice things to yourself—you’re the only one listening!
Tips to manifest who you want to be?
Reframe any negative experience as a learning opportunity or a chance to clear space for what you truly want to attract into your life. The Universe always delivers. Every thought you have is a message you send to the Universe. The Universe is always responding to your thoughts, energy and emotions. Therefore, what you put out you will receive back—whether you want it or not. That’s why it’s really important to pay attention to the energy you’re putting out. It’s good to feel good. One of the biggest blocks to manifesting power is our resistance to feeling good. We’ve all grown far more comfortable in a state of fear than in a place of joy and faith. We’ve learned to rely on fear as a way of protecting ourselves. To claim everything you want to attract, you need to welcome worthiness and happiness. You need to accept that struggle and pain aren’t required for growth, success or meaning. It’s good to feel good!
Reframe any negative experience as a learning opportunity or a chance to clear space for what you truly want to attract into your life. The Universe always delivers. Every thought you have is a message you send to the Universe. The Universe is always responding to your thoughts, energy and emotions. Therefore, what you put out you will receive back—whether you want it or not. That’s why it’s really important to pay attention to the energy you’re putting out. It’s good to feel good. One of the biggest blocks to manifesting power is our resistance to feeling good. We’ve all grown far more comfortable in a state of fear than in a place of joy and faith. We’ve learned to rely on fear as a way of protecting ourselves. To claim everything you want to attract, you need to welcome worthiness and happiness. You need to accept that struggle and pain aren’t required for growth, success or meaning. It’s good to feel good!
Tell us about the one thing or person who changed your life and POV?
When I was early in my sober recovery, my sponsor gave me the book, A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. That book changed my life and inspired my career path. Through Marianne’s work, I was able to deepen my spiritual connection and have the confidence to become an author and speaker.
When I was early in my sober recovery, my sponsor gave me the book, A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson. That book changed my life and inspired my career path. Through Marianne’s work, I was able to deepen my spiritual connection and have the confidence to become an author and speaker.
Advice to others to make it happen?
If you want to make it happen in your outside life, focus inward. Make your happiness and well-being your highest priority and everything else will follow. Trust me on this one!
If you want to make it happen in your outside life, focus inward. Make your happiness and well-being your highest priority and everything else will follow. Trust me on this one!
How do you give back? What causes are important to you?
I choose to support philanthropic organizations based on my personal experiences. One example is that I’m a fellow at High Watch Recovery Center, where I have the honor of teaching people in recovery and speaking to folks in clinical fields.
I choose to support philanthropic organizations based on my personal experiences. One example is that I’m a fellow at High Watch Recovery Center, where I have the honor of teaching people in recovery and speaking to folks in clinical fields.
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