Karolina Kurkova & Rachel Finger, Gryph & IvyRose Co-FoundersQ&A
What are the driving passions that set you on your path?
KK: Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to try my best at what I did, no matter how big or small the project. Whether for my friends, family, projects, or charities, I want to try my hardest and set a good example, especially for my kids. I always want to ensure the time I spend away from my family is being utilized well, even when I am feeling less motivated and confident.
RF: I have always had a thirst for more than I know—more knowledge, travel, experience… I love the constant evolution of discovery, however it's presented.
What does #MAKEITHAPPEN mean to you?
KK: YOU make it happen—you keep moving forward, you make progress, and you follow your dreams. Being there for your family and friends while showing up for organizations and projects that you're passionate about.
RF: It’s about seizing opportunities and unapologetically driving to reach your goals. It’s also the art of multitasking, which is a value that, in my opinion, should never be underestimated.
And who or what inspires you to make it happen?
KK: The people around me inspire me. This comes in all forms—colleagues, employees, family, new and old friends. There are a lot of people doing inspiring things that make me want more from myself. And my kids, who motivate me to never give up.
RF: Depends on the day—could be one of my daughters, could be the lyrics of a song, an inspirational biography or even something as simple as the beauty of nature. Inspiration is everywhere if you’re open to it.

Karolina Kurkova in the Miller dickey jacket, Harmoni top and Ashford shorts
“Cream and white are two of my favorite colors. They always look fresh, clean, and go with anything.” — Karolina Kurkova
KK: Having a calendar, pen, and paper are essential for me. I love using a notebook because I can write down all of my ideas, notes, and to-do lists to ensure I do not forget anything.
RF: I’m a horrible morning person. But scheduling early meetings gets me jump-started and sets the tone for a more productive day.
1. Set goals—what do you want to achieve each day, week, and month.
2. Education—educate yourself on the things you don’t know.
3. Great attitude—be willing to take constructive criticism, work hard, and do whatever it takes that day to make it happen.
1. Be open and adaptable to constant evolution and change.
2. Plan for failure—a.k.a. pack snacks.
3. Embrace distractions—they tend to be exactly what you need.
KK: Egg whites on your skin is a great at-home hack that everyone can do. They help tighten the skin and shrink pores. I also love coffee, but always add CTE oil to make sure I'm getting good fat and balancing the caffeine rush. And because I live in Florida, I make sure to drink my water with electrolytes to hydrate from within.
RF: Acupuncture. It's literally life-changing and the one thing that can consistently reset me and give me exactly what I need in that moment.
KK: I involve my kids in my self-care and wellness routine. I let them see, be a part of, and experience it with me rather than making them feel like it’s only a mommy thing. I think it’s important to show them that taking care of yourself is a good thing. Especially since I have boys—I want to teach them at a young age that it feels good to feel good.
I also think it’s important to take time with each child individually so you can connect. I’ve found it helps me become more aware of when they need extra love and nourishment so I can be there when it really matters. I also believe in giving kids the freedom to be independent and learn things on their own—that is vital to their growth. You cannot hold their hand every single step of the way—in order for them to grow; they have to do a bit on their own.
RF: Since my kids were born, I’ve always created a weekly menu. It helps anyone that’s helping out with the kids and helps me plan the groceries for the week. Takes the guesswork and stress out of the meal situation each day.
The wardrobe MVPs that help you make it happen…
KK: A great blazer is always a must for me. It gives business when it needs to, even with a tee underneath. A button-down also can be business-like, but you can wear it while running around with your kids. And an oversized bag, especially when traveling. It holds a lot while still looking stylish.
RF: I’m most confident in jeans, tee, blazer and a classic pump and the New Yorker in me almost always prefers black.
Pro-tip every entrepreneur needs to know…
KK: Don't fight it, just write it.
RF: Nothing goes as planned!
Share one example of how you made it happen through adversity…
RF: Having twins at 1.5 pounds each at 28 weeks and spending 3 months in the NICU with very little idea on what would be happening next is enough to drive anyone mad. But rather than question all of what could or would be, I focused on the only things I could control at that moment. Sitting for hours at the NICU with babies on my chest, pumping every 3 hours religiously. Taking things one step and each day at a time allowed myself and my babies to not only heal, but thrive.

Rachel Finger in the Miller dickey jacket, Lauren crew-neck tee and Carly kick-flare jeans
“This is my go-to look for any situation—business meeting, cocktails with friends. It’s so universally stylish.” — Rachel Finger
1. The Gryph & IvyRose Forceshield. You can put it in kids' waters, juices, and smoothies to help boost their immune system. They can take it daily and it doesn't taste bad!
2. Manuka honey is a pantry staple of mine. It can be added to anything or eaten plain with an apple.
3. Our Gryph & IvyRose chocolate probiotic hearts are my favorite. They are a great treat, using fair trade chocolate, low glycemic and deliver your daily dose of probiotics. You and your kids can take them—it’s family wellness done together!
4. I always have a blender and juicer on hand for the family to create healthy snacks or breakfast.
RF: Any probiotic—we know immunity starts in the gut and it's a great way to encourage balance and a healthy ritual. I highly recommend Gryph & IvyRose chocolate probiotic. 😉
KK: I was lucky, I’ve had many people who inspired me and have helped me along the way, but my parents gave me the foundation through their core values at an early age, which have made me who I am today. In terms of books that have inspired me, I found The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom to be life-changing and encourage everyone to read it.
RF: I have to credit my husband here for motivating me to forge my own path in business and follow through to making Gryph & IvyRose a reality. He never takes "no" for an answer and I’ve seen how taking that approach can result in creative thinking and solutions that can transform any situation.
KK: Learn from other people. Work has been my university. Meeting and working with all people from various walks of life and cultures. And be curious! Curiosity will lead to learning and growing.
RF: Trust your intuition.
KK: Feeding America, amFAR, OUR (Operation Underground Railroad) are all very important to me. Becoming involved on the ground as well as shedding a light on these important organizations by highlighting the work they do is so important.
shop the looks
SHOP NOW, clockwise from top left:
Miller Dickey Jacket
Harmoni Top
Ashford Short
Analita Sandal

SHOP NOW, clockwise from top left:
Miller Dickey Jacket
Lauren Crew-Neck Tee
Nathalia Pump
Carly Kick-Flare Jean