Writer Melissa MagsaysayWhen what got you started continues to be your "why" today, you know you're doing something right. Such is the case with Melissa Magsaysay, journalist, brand consultant and author of City of Style: Exploring Los Angeles fashion from Bohemian to Rock. Because learning about people's personal stories and amplfying them is what drove her then—when she started out her career at the L.A. Times and Women's Wear Daily—and it's what still drives her now, especially with her most recent role as the head of content at inclusive beauty platform, thirteen lune. It's clear that this wife, mother, and style expert wears many (many!) hats, so pay close attention to this interview. Her hacks include ice-rolling your face while the coffee brews, having a uniform, watching British comedies, and following this advice: "Align with your decisions." Read on for more with Melissa…

Melissa Magsaysay in the Sabina dress and Dacey clog; photograph courtesy of Magsaysay
My Hustle
I used to hustle from a place of FOMO or external validation, but now I hustle from a place of fun and am trying to constantly educate myself as best I can. So, I guess my hustle has got to be as fun or as personally gratifying as possible. If not, you're never going to really feel fulfilled. That hustle has got to result in some kind of real reward.
To learn about people's backgrounds and personal stories and amplify them. I love connecting the dots and finding out what motivates people to do what they do.
That's a tough one. I truly feel like my head is never clear. Watching a British comedy or a cooking or renovation series helps. Taking a walk through our canyon neighborhood and listening to music or a podcast (I recommend The Beauty Vanguard) usually does the trick as well.
Seek advice. This is usually from my husband or mom or otherwise a friend who may be closer to the situation I am questioning.
Greatest challenge—and how I overcame it...
The year I had a baby and also went freelance/consultant was a tough one. I had terrible (terrible) post-partum depression and didn't fully realize it. Talk about hustling from a not-so-great place. It was a lot of negative self-talk which doesn't mix well with the self-motivation it takes to be your own business. Plus, all of the regular challenges of being a new mom. Looking back, that was truly hard on so many levels. There was no quick magic remedy to getting better, but rather a lot of spinning and spiraling before eventually coming out of it with a better understanding and perspective on how to manage motherhood and career in a way that is healthiest for myself and my family. My son is now about to be nine and it's still a work in progress.
How I Make It Happen
Coffee (half-caff), workout or walk, scrolling headlines and breaking news
Get all of the most daunting/least desirable things done first, write your "to-do" list the night before, keep an ice roller in the freezer and roll under eyes and all over face while coffee is brewing
Keep it simple/avoid drama, ask for what you deserve, and never stop learning. Also, do whatever you need to, to keep distractions away from your workspace. For me, this means to try and avoid scrolling Instagram ad nauseam.
Every piece of jewelry I wear has a deeply personal history and meaning, but one ring, a bloodstone signet, is just a "ring," meaning it wasn't passed down or given to me—I just love the way it looks and wear it daily. Turns out bloodstone is known to clear, purify, protect, and nurture, which makes me feel extra good wearing it.
There's a lot, but one piece I keep going back to lately is this: "Align with your decisions." It really helps put my attitude and outlook in perspective and is valuable when making decisions in the first place, so that I can execute on a story or project with integrity, pride, and also try to have fun while doing so.
My Style
Have a "uniform." Everything is a variation on a theme. Find the jeans and general silhouettes that suit you and buy multiple versions of them.
Long, light coats. I have various takes on a classic trench (and of course, a classic trench). I could (and sometimes do) have my pajamas on under a statement coat and it's all good. In fact, those are some of the best looks.
Don't waste time on trends if they're making you feel bad about yourself or second guess yourself in ANY way whatsoever.
Effortless, confident, free to focus on my life while knowing I look exactly how I feel
My Recharge
I read every night and as much as possible on the weekends. I recently finished Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson and The Daughters of Kobani by Gayle Tzemach Lemmon. I'm binging Hacks and Ted Lasso. I absolutely adore a British comedy on BBC called Motherland and can watch that any time for an instant pick-me-up.
Beauty/self-care must-haves…
There's not enough room on the internet to list all of the things, but here are a few off the top of my head: massages at Tomoko Spa in Beverly Hills, a sugar body scrub from The Little Market, Dehiya Beauty Safi Hydrate Face Mist on thirteen lune, and Liha Beauty Idan Oil.
.Favorite thing to do…
So much: travel, spend time with my family, catch up with good friends, make people laugh, make myself laugh, having friends over for an outdoor dinner and cocktail, watching a movie with my son and falling asleep together on the couch
Favorite thing to make…
Any food that my son finds edible or even really likes. I'm not a great cook, so I relish in even the littlest wins. These little wins include chocolate chip cookies and a Filipino dish called Torta.
One mover and shaker I admire…
It's not one person but I am constantly in awe of the group of incredible women that I work with on I am a voter. I know a lot of them personally and/or have worked with most everyone directly in fashion/media. They are some of the most accomplished, but also kind, compassionate, and committed people I know. I love people who prove that success and accolades don't have to come by way of putting others down or compromising your own integrity.
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