Meet the Artist: Meredith Hanson
Plus, her art guide to NantucketLately, we've been in a Nantucket state of mind—thanks to our first-ever summer shop at Perch Nantucket. Here, we get to know one of the island's more creative denizens, artist Meredith Hanson, who shares her story and her personal art guide to the much-beloved vacation spot.
When did the art bug bite?
The art bug bit very early on in my life! I have always had a great love and passion for painting. Throughout my childhood, I gravitated towards visual arts. I took intensive private art lessons for 10 years before attending Wheaton College, where I declared my Studio Arts major the first week of my freshman year. It wasn’t until I moved to Nantucket in 2011, however, that I realized the potential for pursuing my career as a full-time artist. Over the past eight years my style has evolved and mediums have changed, but the greatest constant has been the support of family, friends, and the community of Nantucket.
Meredith Hanson at the VB shop at Perch Nantucket, wearing the Cici dress and a custom VBGB tote of her own design; below, the artist at work

What was your first art love?
My first true art love came in two forms. One, a little box of bright Wolf Kahn pastels given to me as a gift from my first art teacher and the second was my appreciation and love for Wolf Kahn’s work. Although I am now primarily a watercolorist, Wolf Kahn’s message of simplicity and communication through color has remained a great lesson in my life.
And the artist who changed the way you see things?
Marguerite Lawler has been one of my greatest art mentors. Marguerite introduced me to gouache just a few years ago on an artist’s retreat on Monhegan Island in Maine. I fell in love with the painting process of gouache/watercolor as we sat on the rocks overlooking the ocean and painted our surroundings. I felt so in sync with this medium, which is why, four years later, it is one of my main mediums of choice for my business!

Your medium of choice?
I have two! Gouache/watercolor for my custom commissions and designs. My style is whimsical yet structured. I like a balance between soft and powerful lines and layers of paint! And acrylic for mural painting and custom commissions, such as hand-painted accessories and apparel!
When you get the artist equivalent of writer’s block…
I double down on exercise! I am a big believer that a healthy body fuels a creative mind. Whenever I feel “stuck” I recognize it and channel that energy into long walks with my dog Willis to gain new perspective from my surroundings on island.

Meredith Hanson's Nantucket Art Guide
1. Handlebar Café for an extra hot cappuccino to get my energy going!
2. A walk to Brant Point Lighthouse or Steps Beach with my dog Willis for inspiration when I am in town!
3. Stocking up on my favorite art supplies from Create!