Mother's Day Issue
Teresa Cija Lourenco-Antebi, Model & YoginiQ&A
What are your Mother's Day traditions?
Traditionally, the kids come into bed with me in the morning, surprise me with a handmade card and we cuddle a lot. If the weather permits, we usually spend the day outdoors together and, in the evening, we always go to one of my favorite vegan restaurants for dinner together. The only different thing for this year will be that we won’t be going out for dinner, but overall it will most likely be cuddles and spending our day outdoors.
Best Mother's Day gift received?
The gift of having my children and being present with them. I also love when my kids gift me their artwork because I can tell what their emotions are through it. So far, everything that they express in their art is always happy—beautiful, colorful images, happy faces and they are always very close to me. This way I know that they trust me, that they are happy and love me. When children draw, it's a great way to understand how they feel.
What's family time like at your house?
Our list is so long on all the things that we love to do. We love to make a healthy breakfast together. We are a very active family and love to be outdoors—riding our bikes and scooters, or going for walks and runs by the beach. The kids love practicing yoga with me—when I make it easy on them (my personal practice is too hard for them, but they always try). We also love creating art together—I don't just watch, I'm creating with them. On Fridays and Saturdays, we have movie nights (there is no TV during the week). And we love to listen to The Beatles.
All photographs by @andersonnoel1
“When they are little, be the cheerleader and, when they grow older, be a great teacher and teach them all the things that you value.”
What's your morning mom routine?
During quarantine now, the first thing I do when I wake up is give thanks for all my blessings, then I drink my elixir of warm lemon, turmeric and apple cider. I wake my daughter up at 8 AM so she has 30 minutes to get ready before her virtual school. While she is getting ready, I take my cold morning shower to wake me up and I have the same beauty regimen as my daughter: washing my face with cold water and putting on creams. The little one sleeps in a little longer, until 9 AM, so I have enough time to get breakfast ready before he’s up.
Breakfast in the mornings are always fresh fruits and fresh juice. My kids love fresh juices. I am not talking just apple juice or orange juice. They drink the exact same juice that I drink in the morning. Usually, it’s spinach, celery, ginger, turmeric, dandelion, cucumber, pineapple, orange, apple, carrots kale and lemon. This juice alone gives them a huge dose of veggies and fruits. Their fruit plate is by the season, whatever fruits are available and everything is always organic. After breakfast, homeschooling starts.
Tips for parents to encourage healthy eating habits in their children?
I think the best tip is to be the teacher to your children. If your children see you eating healthy foods every single day, they will eat the same foods. If they see you practicing yoga every single day, they will become curious about it. One thing I don’t do is force it on them. They know that no matter what mommy has to practice yoga every single day and give me my space if they’re not willing to practice with me. I also think it helps if you are involved in the activities that you do with your children—we go on scooter or rides together, we skateboard together, we run together on the beach…
“My five-year-old son will not go to bed without putting eye cream on, lol—he loves to spray his face with rosewater and apply face oil.”
What are your healthy home snacks?
Carrot or celery sticks, nuts and seeds, dried fruits, olives, vegan hot dogs, rice crackers or plant protein bars.
What are your hacks to keeping work, family and personal ambition in balance and in check?
The key is to have a consistent routine. We have the same routine every day during the week. The children know what to expect and we all respect each other‘s needs. I have to say that I feel very blessed that we have a house that is close to the beach and we’re not in the city right now. We are not locked in the house constantly and have the freedom to go outside and get fresh air. It makes a difference when you’re able to go outside and be active. For me, personally, my balance and staying grounded comes from my yoga practice and my meditation.
Your secret weapons to getting it all done?
Having a consistent schedule and sticking with the schedule. I write down the schedule the night before and put it up for the kids to see.
If you could tell your pre-baby self one thing you know now…
Get all the sleep you could possibly get before having children. Children are the greatest blessing, but be prepared that it is a lot of work and requires a lot of patience. Most importantly, you have to be present in each moment with them.
Greatest lesson learned from being a mom?
The true meaning of unconditional love.
Mom’s Best Advice
Stay true to your own style.
All my beauty and wellness regimens come from my mother. My mother was an eastern Indian woman so everything we did belonged to Indian Ayurvedic traditions. My mother taught me at a very young age how to take care of my skin. Since the age of nine, I have been cleaning my face, spraying my face with organic rosewater, applying face creams or face oils and applying body oils daily after showering. My mother taught me a very special technique of how to massage my face every day that I still do to this day. I have passed on the same beauty regimens to my own children. My five-year-old son will not go to bed without putting eye cream on, lol—he loves to spray his face with rosewater and apply face oil. My daughter, at nine years old already, has a full beauty regimentwithout me even telling her what to do. She washes her face after she brushes her teeth, then sprays her face with rosewater, applies an eye cream and an all-organic face cream during the day and an organic face oil at night.
My mother always supported me and never held me back. She always made sure I went after my dreams and was always by my side throughout my career. I will always praise my mother for allowing me at such a young age to go out into the world to pursue my dream of becoming a model. I will always support my children to go after their dreams and be their biggest cheerleader.
Always show them deep unconditional love and give them all your support. When they are little, be the cheerleader and, when they grow older, be a great teacher and teach them all the things that you value.
Be present in each moment.