Mother’s Day Issue
Anh Sundstrom, Founder of 9to5chicThe San Francisco influencer behind 9to5chic gives us a glimpse into her 9 to 5—and all the hours beyond with her daughter, Lucia, from rummikub-filled evenings to breakfast in bed this Sunday.
What are your Mother's Day traditions?
My Mother’s Day "ask" is simple! I get to sleep in (while my husband attends to our dogs, Lucia and everything else), enjoy breakfast in bed (Lucia helps her dad with this one and she is always so proud as they bring it in to "surprise" me), and I pretty much don't step foot in the kitchen all day. Not much will change this year, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Best Mother's Day gift received?
Sleeping in. I'm not a morning person—sleeping in is pure luxury!
What's family time like at your house?
We have an insatiable appetite for games! We play a rotation of games every night after dinner, but our current favorites are rummikub and Yahtzee.
Photos courtesy of Anh Sundstrom
When I feel like I'm struggling to achieve the ever-evasive idea of “balance,” I remind myself: Don't lose sight of the bigger picture.
What are your hacks to keeping work, family and personal ambition in balance and in check?
When I feel like I'm struggling to achieve the ever-evasive idea of "balance," I remind myself: Don't lose sight of the bigger picture. Take a breath and prioritize. Continue to follow your "north star," and decisions you have to make on a daily basis won't seem as difficult or controversial.
If you could tell your pre-baby self one thing you know now…
A quote by Elizabeth Stone: "Making the decision to have a child—it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body." I feel this on a visceral level.
Your secret or secret weapons to getting it all done…
Making lists, prioritizing, and coffee (ha!).
Three words to describe life at your house?
Games, love and puppies!

Mom's Best Advice
Stick with classics.
Don't wear too much makeup! She told me this when I was younger—I look back at pictures of myself at 18 and wish I had listened a little better back then.
Growing up as first-generation Vietnamese-American, my parents made it clear to my sister and I that college was an expectation—not a choice. I am so thankful to them for the gift of education.
Not just motherhood but grandparenthood as well: My mom is a shining example of an engaged, doting grandmother to my daughter. She always wants to take care of Lucia, spend time with Lucia and be present with Lucia. I want to be just like her if I ever get the opportunity to be a grandmother.