The Sturm Face Mask is my ultimate travel companion and part of my New Year’s resolution of masking more. I have a particular love affair for this one because you don’t rinse it off. You “roll” it off which allows your skin to stay hydrated and absorb all the ingredients.It is good for all skin types and makes your skin so soft.
The Lord Jones Pure CBD Pain Wellness Formula Body Lotionis something that I will not be leaving home without.Whether it’s inmy handbag during the day, suitcase for travel or my overnight bag, thisproduct is the one thing that has helped me with my hip pain fromworking out and sitting on airplanes.
Remembering to take The Nue Co. PREBIOTIC + PROBIOTIC Supplementstwice a day are another one of are my resolutions. They not only helpwith my stomach issues caused by stress, but also help to keep my skinclear and my gut in order. They are derived from soil and arevegetarian. I seriously can’t be more excited about the results oftaking these.

May Lindstrom Skin's The Blue Cocoonis tried and true and something that is my personal hero product. Theblue tansy in this helps to reduce redness and help to retain hydration.I have been using this product religiously for the past five years and Iwill continue to use it forever.
315 Court Street
Brooklyn NY 11231
Want to keep working on your resolutions? Read more from our series:
The Resolutions: Eat Well
The Sakara Life guide to eating clean in 2018.
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