The Sisterhood of Mad World
One-on-one with five inspiring womenQ&A
Mad World was born out of my collaboration with celebrity designer, Nicole Sassaman. Nicole hired me to help her pivot her retail business in these volatile times of COVID when her showroom doors had to close temporarily due to quarantine and the riots. After learning more about how Nicole’s personal and professional sides blend, I wanted to focus our work on her unique curation and creativity, while developing product and marketing around it to elevate her expertise and relationships with artists. We also wanted to provide external inspiration and messaging to the world through the power of words and art. Adhering to the mantra of “all things are possible” and our "no-fear" approach, I knew catapulting the product line through a fantastical, very over-the-top vehicle would celebrate all that we had birthed during a very complicated and uncertain time, when most people felt very overwhelmed and sedentary. I immediately got co-director and writer, Grace Wethor, involved as we both see very eye-to-eye in using film to motivate positivity, evoke distinct voices, and to break down stereotypical cliches through modernized fairytales and magical environments.
Well, it is one Mad World we are currently living and we believe that the universe is calling on each of us now to rise up and make things happen. We also firmly believe that a little madness in life can add a whole lot of magic if you stay open to receive it. You just need to believe.
Each world in Mad World explores a unique theme because of the words prescribed: Vogue, Iconic, Unbroken, Tangled and Mad World all push past our typical definitions to further develop concepts around using your talents to influence humanity, believing in yourself, untangling oneself from those who don’t share your morals and being adventurous, yet always finding place and comfort at home.
Strength, positivity and the ability to believe, inspire and create.
Being that I graduated from USC Cinema School long ago as one of two women, it was definitely a calling to have as many women collaborators and creators involved in our collection (the artists) and film (the cast and crew). This has been a big part of my life’s work throughout my career, building communities that sponsor and uphold women and girls values everywhere. Mad World was produced by 16 out of 20 women. There is something incredibly important about showcasing the female voice, especially at a time when compassion and empathy are a vital part of propelling our universe forward.
“We believe that the universe is calling on each of us now to rise up and make things happen.” —Lauri Levenfeld
Nicole Sassaman
Curator of All Things Are Possible, Celebrity Designer, Owner of Nicole Sassaman Showroom
The one word to describe your world?
I was all of the worlds, but if I had to pick the one closest to my heart it would most definitely be UNBROKEN. Many people and things have tried to break me in my life….they just made me stronger. What a gift they have been!
What inspires you?
Finding the beauty in everything and teaching others to do the same.
Challenges you?
Negative people. “Road blocks.” But, every wall is a door, so step aside
What keeps you going? Your motivation mantra?
All things are possible. I think of people like the Wright brothers or my friend, Dan Caro, and they remind me of how true this is. But you have to show up and do the work….that is when the Universe creates divine order and “miracles.”
Grace Wethor
Brain Cancer Advocate, Actress, Co-Director and Writer of Mad World
The one word to describe your world?
I'd say PERSISTENT. If I get an idea that I believe could inspire or help even one person, I don't stop until I feel it's fully achieved. It makes my life quite crazy at times but has also allowed me to build a very fulfilling and interesting career that I am eternally grateful for.
What inspires you?
I think everything around me is inspiring in some way and I try to keep my brain open to that. Creativity and inspiration often come at the most random times for me, especially when I'm not looking for them or am feeling down about something else. I find when I step back from work, I can find inspiration in the tiniest things like a tree or a house, then build that into an entire project.
Challenges you?
My work challenges me every day and that's why I love it! I view art as a puzzle and my job is to fit all of the pieces together. Even the simplest things, like curating an Instagram post are a puzzle. I try to keep my mindset like that because that's how you evolve and grow as an artist.
What keeps you going? Your motivation mantra?
For me, my work is fueled by my want to raise awareness for brain cancer, other invisible illnesses, and share how creativity saved my life. I am lucky enough to be in an industry that allows you to build a public platform and I always work to make sure mine is part art and part activism to be a voice for kids who don't have the same opportunities as me.
Grace Wethor
Charlene Geisler
Actress, Producer and Writer
The one word to describe your world?
My world is TANGLED, but I feel really drawn to CHAOTIC. Tangled feels chaotic to me because the stakes are so high, and there’s SO much happening for each character in their story at the exact same time; I don’t want to give anything away, but let’s just say their motivations strongly conflict with one another!
What inspires you?
Music! Music is a huge inspiration for me, and I listen to it when I’m breaking down scenes, or even writing, to help get those creative pistons firing.
Challenges you?
Self doubt. I’m definitely my own worst critic, and feeling unsure of myself is something that I struggle with. But as long as I keep going and challenge that, it works itself out.
What keeps you going? Your motivation mantra?
This too shall pass. I love that saying. To me it means that everything is temporary, every bad moment and awful feeling; you only have to get through it, one second at a time. It will move on like a storm cloud, and eventually you’ll feel the sun on your skin again.
Charlene Geisler
ICONIC. I love when people have a perspective or opinion and they use it to make the world a better place. Also, when they are true to themselves. I look for beauty and style in everything I do and it can be imperfect. It doesn’t always have to be visual.
This is my favorite quote by Mark Twain: "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." Essentially, no regrets. Seize the day because you never know what tomorrow will bring and you may never have another opportunity quite like the one you have today.
The current state of the world. The imbalance, extremism and hatred.
The thrill of the next project! I love a blank sheet of paper or canvas where anything is possible! I love to collaborate, create and design.