Walk through the four quarters of the Old City, the Jewish Quarter, the Muslim Quarter, the Christian Quarter and the Armenian Quarter. You'll visit the Arab Bazaar, Church of the Holy Sepulcher and many rich flavors, colors and smells.
Visit the Israel Musem to see the Dead Sea Scrolls and a huge collection of other archeological finds and artifacts.
The Dome of the Rock, an Islamic shrine, is a stunning structure. Keep in mind that entry is dependent on the political situation, so check with your guide if you'll be able to visit.
The Machane Yehuda Market is a must-visit and a great way to try some local food. Make sure you taste the olive oils, spices and homemade halva.

Stay in and explore the city of Petra, a historical and archaeological city carved into pink sandstone cliffs. If you're an early bird, do a sunrise tour. Make sure you visit The Treasury at Petra, which was carved in the early first century. Plus, it's where Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade was filmed.
Explore Wadi Rum, a stunning sand valley in southern Jordan. You can climb rocks and sand dunes or take a Jeep tour safari. This is where they filmed Lawrence of Arabia, The Martian, and the recently filmed Aladdin with Will Smith.
The trip wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Dead Sea. Take a mud bath (it's full of beauty benefits!) or go for a float.
In Amman, visit the Citadel, the Roman theater and the local souq.

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