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We Heart This

Nora Ephron's New Year's Resolutions

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"I resolve to eat more waffles"—who doesn't love a New Year's resolution like that? Every year, as the calendar page turns, we revisit this list of 2006 resolutions by writer and filmmaker Nora Ephron, who gave us When Harry Met Sally…, Sleepless in Seattle, Julie & Julia, among other screen gems. It reminds us that making resolutions doesn't have to be some seismic event; small changes matter, too. Beautifully written, and with heart and humor, it's a favorite. Enjoy. We hope it inspires you, too.

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1. I resolve to be a better human being this year, and that includes trying to remember the names of people I have just been introduced to. It also includes trying to remember the names of people I already know. Last year I bumped into someone I was certain I knew, in a mall in Las Vegas, and realized after about a minute that it was my sister.

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2. I resolve to write a blog about those incredibly irritating little stickers that are stuck to the fruit and tell the cash register at the grocery store whether you are buying Fuji apples for $1.29 a pound or Gala apples for $1.29 a pound. I meant to write about this last year but it slipped my mind.

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3. I resolve to eat more waffles, even though this resolution is in direct conflict with my most important resolution of the New Year, which is to lose two pounds. Waffles are amazing. When I'm dying, I don't want to regret not having eaten more of them. Incidentally, one of my most successful New Year's resolutions, which I made in 1990, was to eat more cheese. I recommend it highly as a resolution and as a way of life, although, come to think of it, it's one of the reasons why I now have to lose two pounds.

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4. I resolve not to resolve to read Proust. Because you never do and then you just feel like a failure.

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5. I resolve to cook a timballo. I want to make one just like the one they made in the movie Big Night, which came out ten years ago. Why it's taken me so long to make a timballo, I don't know. I guess I just forgot.

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Read the full list here.

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