

Effective Date: September 7, 2021

Who we are

Pipes and Shaw LLC dba Veronica Beard (together with its affiliates, “We” or “Our” or “Us”) welcomes you to its web site for Veronica Beard (collectively all elements of the web site in all formats, the “Site”). We take seriously and value the privacy of all users of the Site (“Users”, and you, as an individual user of the Site, “You” or “Your”) and the information that they share with Us. Please read this cookies policy carefully as it contains important information on who We are and how We use cookies on the Site. This policy should be read together with Our privacy policy which sets out how and why We collect, store, use and share personal information generally, as well as Your rights in relation to Your personal information and details of how to contact Us and supervisory authorities if You have a complaint.

The Site

This cookies policy only relates to Your use of the Site. Throughout the Site We may link to other websites owned and operated by certain trusted third parties to make products available to You. These other third party websites may also use cookies or similar technologies in accordance with their own separate policies. For privacy information relating to these other third party websites, please consult their policies as appropriate.


A cookie is a small text file which is placed onto Your device (e.g. computer, smartphone or other electronic device) when You use the Site. We use cookies on the Site. These help Us to recognise You and Your device and to store some information about Your preferences or past actions to enable Us to provide the best User experience to You.

For example, We may monitor how many times You visit the Site, which pages You go to, traffic data, location data and the originating domain name of Your internet service provider. This information helps Us to build a profile of Our Users. Some of this data will be aggregated or statistical, which means that We will not be able to identify You individually.

For further information on Our use of cookies, including a detailed list of Your information which We and others may collect through cookies, please see below.

For further information on cookies generally, including how to control and manage them, visit the guidance on cookies published by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, or

Consent to use cookies and changing settings

We will ask for Your consent to place cookies or other similar technologies on Your device, except where they are essential for Us to provide You with a service that You have requested (e.g. to enable You to put items in Your shopping basket and use Our check-out process).

You can withdraw Your consent to the use of cookies by opting out of cookies when prompted as You visit the homepage of the Site. It may be necessary to refresh the page for the updated settings to take effect.

How to turn off all cookies and consequences of doing so

If You do not want to accept any cookies, You may be able to change Your browser settings so that cookies (including those which are essential to the services requested) are not accepted. If You do this, please be aware that You may lose some of the functionality of the Site.

For further information about cookies and how to disable them please go to the guidance on cookies published by the UK Information Commissioner’s Office, or


Our use of cookies

The list below provides more information about the cookies we use and why:

This non-essential cookie provides technology that helps advertisers and their advertising agencies manage digital advertising campaigns across many channels, such as websites, apps, audio, smart TVs, and other video. More information here


This non-essential cookie provides financing options that allow shoppers to pay overtime for their purchases. More information here

Bat Bing

This non-essential cookie provides universal Event Tracking (UET) that unlocks powerful Microsoft Advertising features such as conversion tracking, audience targeting, and automated bidding bid strategies.


Bing's non-essential cookie allows us to build lists of users who have searched for certain terms and clicked on results using their search engines, so that we can target our advertising more effectively. More information here.

Dynamic Yield

We use Dynamic Yield's web optimization platform to test the effectiveness of custom content and product recommendations. More information here


This non-essential cookie allows us to target the advertising we do on Facebook more effectively by matching data we hold with that held by Facebook. More information here

Google (Google Analytics)

This non-essential cookie provides anonymized data that allow us to understand user behavior and marketing performance. More information here

Google / Double-Click

This non-essential cookie allows us to target the advertising we do on third party websites more effectively. More information here


We use this technology to better understand on-site consumer behavior through heatmaps and recordings. This is a non-essential cookie. More information here


We use this non-essential cookie to remember your preferences, or which Pins, boards, people or websites you've interacted with so we can show you related content you might like. More information here

Rakuten (Linksynergy)

Linkshare allows us to track orders which come to us from our affiliate marketing partners. This is a non-essential cookie. Targeting cookies used by Rakuten Advertising Affiliate Network. Rakuten Advertising Privacy Policy here.


Rapleaf non-essential cookie provides comprehensive data about email addresses and the people behind them. More information here

Steel House Media (Now MNTN)

This non-essential cookie provides TV and direct-response advertising. More information here.


This non-essential cookie allows a solution for customer reviews and visual marketing. More information here


How to contact Us

Please contact Us if You have any questions about this cookies policy or the information We hold about You. If You wish to contact Us please send an email

Do You need extra help?

If You would like this notice in another format (for example: audio, large print, braille) please contact Us (see ‘How to contact Us’ above).

Changes to this policy

We may change this policy from time to time, when We do We will inform You either via email or via a notice on the Site.