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Artist Spotlight

Tanu Vasu, Illustrator

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Capturing the essence of a city is what defines Tanu Vasu's work—the fashion illustrator behind @nyccurated. "I love exploring cities," Vanu says. "I think that love is imbued into my work."

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The artist has worked with Intermix and the iconic Carlyle Hotel, to name a few, and she's now collaborating with us here at Veronica Beard. We tapped Vasu to create a series celebrating our love of London ahead of the opening our new Mayfair store and our in-season show across the pond. Here, we chat with Vasu on how she got started in the world of fashion illustration, her favorite art galleries and museums in London, and the artists she's inspired by.

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My interests are…
I have a love affair with the New York City ballet and performing arts in general. I'm lucky that Lincoln Center is so close — I try to go weekly in the fall. Visiting galleries in Chelsea is another deep interest. I also collect old children's books, vintage newspapers and magazines — especially when there are illustrations. 


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Favorite galleries in London...
The Saatchi Gallery is amongst favorites. They've had some amazing exhibits in recent years. I also love the Royal Academy of Arts — so much to see and such lovely exteriors to take in. Some other favorites are Hauser & Wirth, Tate Modern and the Victoria and Albert Museum (which is incredible!).

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I got into illustration through…
I've been drawing since I was little. Storytelling through art and illustration was something that always inspired me. Working in fashion as a designer for a decade built up my illustration skills and allowed me to explore various types of illustrations, from prints, surface design, to true fashion illustration.


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My favorite thing to illustrate is…
I adore New York City and the endless inspiration it brings me. I often pull 'scenes' from everyday life in this magical city. I love bringing in my travels and telling unique stories through illustration. I collect postcards, matchbooks, and tokens from places I go. I'm also a map enthusiast. I use physical maps when I travel so I love illustrating guides and maps.

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The artists that inspire you...
I love that art can transport you, even if it's for a few moments. You escape the reality of everyday life through art and illustration. I love the work of Florine Stettheimer and how she recreates scenes and imbues passion into her work. Her art is so fantastical—I could stare at it for days.


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I would describe my process as…
Continuous. I want to see more, experiment more and keep evolving.

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