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VB Gives Back


Nazareth Housing

VB Gives Back in Action  

VB Gives Back is more than our online and in-store donations. Every month—in partnership with VB You, our community engagement program—Team VB also rolls up our sleeves and hits the ground as volunteers in our community. In New York, we've teamed up with Nazareth Housing, which serves vulnerable families and individuals in crisis across all five boroughs. We chose this nonprofit because compassion is core to its values. Not only does it assist families with basic needs, but it is also committed to helping them build pathways out of poverty, creating lives filled with possibility and opportunity, and breaking the cycle of homelessness.

Among the organization's many services, from housing stability to domestic-violence support, is Louise’s Pantry, which provides nutritious meals, case management and health workshops to hundreds of families each week. That's where we're volunteering all year long, packing and preparing care bags stocked with fresh fruits, seasonal vegetables, canned goods, cereals, baby formula and more. Because food insecurity doesn't just impact the health of the individual but overall wellbeing, and no family should have to choose between feeding their children or paying rent.

Learn how you can help here.