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World Mental Health Day

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Mental health is health, and we're thrilled to see it being prioritized by some of the most successful women we know. To mark World Mental Health Day—taking place this Sunday, October 10—we pulled together some of our favorite mental health tips from our #MAKEITHAPPEN women. These incredible go-getters know how important it is to slow down, take a break, and focus on what really matters—yourself. Read on for their tips, and don't forget to apply them in IRL...


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Mental Health & Self-Care Tips

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Have daily impromptu solo dance parties. Reminding yourself it’s more than okay to ask for help. Take a short few-minute breaks every 90 minutes to catch up with someone weekly who inspires you. When you feel joy, intentionally make yourself stay in the feeling for a few more minutes longer. — Dr. Deepika Chopra, Optimism Doctor

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Having amazingly unique, deep, fun, special, laugh-till-our-faces-hurt connected experiences with the people you love the most. — Tricia Clarke-Stone & Antoinette Clarke, Authors

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Plan weekends that allow for escapism. It's always a good idea to shake up the norm, escape domestic patterns, and return feeling grateful for your routine. — Quentin Jones, Artist

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Be connected to nature. Whether it’s playing tennis at a park by the water, taking the dogs to the beach, going on a hike, having a glass of wine at some wineries with friends, or watching a rainstorm. — Danielle Collins, Pro Tennis Player

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When life is hard, stop for ice cream, have a therapist, spend quality time with the kids and spend quality (alone) time with your partner. Rinse and repeat! — Marina Larroudé, Designer

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See the sun in the morning in order to get your day started in the most ideal way. — Elise Peterson, Artist & Podcaster

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